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Benjamin Walker, Dominic Cooper, Anthony Mackie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead. 21 9p 22 1a Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter 56 (’12, Action) The death of his mother at the hands of a vampire launches Abraham Lincoln on a 45-year quest to avenge her and eliminate the undead scourge from the world. Aunjanue Ellis, Keke Palmer, Sherri Shepherd, Roger Cross. 15 7aĪbducted: The Carlina White Story (’12, Docudrama) Ann Pettway kidnaps an infant from a New York hospital and raises the child as her own daughter. Peter Finch, Liv Ullmann, Cyril Cusack, Paul Rogers. USA VELOCTY Velocity VH1 VICE Viceland WE WGNA WGN AmericaĪ The Abdication 55 (’74, Historical Drama) A Vatican cardinal tests Swedish Queen Christina’s conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1654. Turner Classic Movies TELM Telemundo TLC TNT TRU TruTV TVLAND UNIHD Universal HD UNIV Univision UP Uplifting PBS QVC REELZ RPLEX RetroPlex SCI Science SUND SundanceTV SYFY TBN TBS TCM National Geographic Channel NICK Nickelodeon OUTD LIFE Lifetime MPLEX MoviePlex MSNBC MTV MY NBC NBCS NBC Sports Net NGC

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Cable A Networks featured in this section are: A&E ABC AHC American HeroesĪMC ANTENNA APL Animal Planet AXSTV BBCA BBC America BET BRAVO CBS CMT CNBC CNN COM Comedy Central COOKĭiscovery Channel DISN Disney Channel DISNXD Disney XD DIY DLC

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